Recent versions of the Android build tools have made it very easy to
dynamically set the
(or the
I guess) with just ant and the command line.
Autosave your photos to Snapfish with this
simple Android app. Wakes up when there are new pictures and
saves them to your Snapfish
I was looking into how the Google Play library actually obtains OAuth tokens on behalf of apps, as the actual nuts and bolts remain undocumented. Its implementation offers some interesting insights into how Google handles issues that crop up when using OAuth in an Android app. The rest of this post presumes you know a bit about Android, OAuth as well as how to use the Google Play Services library to obtain access tokens. Sorry if all this is down in the weeds, but that's where the fun bits are!
plain and humble widget to mark the birthday of a wise and witty
man. Shows a new quote from Poor Richard's Almanack each day, and
an interesting event from history updated hourly.
TypesetView is a
View that's great for displaying paragraphs of rag-right, static body
text in your Android app. It adds typographic niceties from more
sophisticated text layout engines, allowing refined control over your
content. Multicolumn text, TeX-style line breaks, margins that flow
around arbitrary shapes and more.